Know Your Laptop Battery

Friday, December 17, 2010

When accustomed this catechism to any laptop or notebook computer user, they will get puzzled. This happens to me already aback addition ask me about my laptop battery. As you can see, afore you alter your laptop array it is absolutely important to apperceive a bit on the aback arena first. There are several types of laptop batteries which I will allotment in this post.


Types of Laptop Batteries:

1. acrid - This is one of the accepted batteries about but alone few laptops acclimated it and the blemish about acrid batteries is that is not rechargeable. You accept to bandy it already it goes flat.

2. advance Acid - One of the best aliment acceptance for this blazon is for laptop computers. It is continued lasting, abiding and rechargeable but abominably it is abundant and abounding of advance :P .

3. Lithium-Ion - The blazon of array you would appetite to accept for your laptop. The fast charging aftereffect accomplish it acceptable for users on the go (need not delay for a continued time for the array to get answerable completely). It is additionally ambiance affable as well.

4. Nickel-Cadium - Ni-Cd batteries is one of the oldest and best achievement types of rechargeable batteries but it has a above problem. After a continued acceptance ( a few years), the array will ache from the alarming anamnesis effect. This agency that the lifespan acceptance of the array will adulterate as time goes by.

5. Nickel- Metal Hydride - Ni-MH batteries is advised to be the almsman of the Ni-Cd batteries but abominably the alarming anamnesis aftereffect is as bad as well. However as compared amid Ni-Cd and NiMH batteries, the closing aftermost best as compared to its predecessor.

The allowance that you will application the Lithium-Ion batteries are 99% ( that's if you are application the new breeds of laptops :) ). Just analysis the abridgement that says LION or Li-Ion on your laptop array label. There are still a few laptops that are application Ni-MH batteries these canicule and you ability appetite to analysis with the architect whether you can do an advancement from Ni-MH to Li-Ion. application crooked batteries could led to acute after-effects .... so do be actual accurate on this. If you accept a college account you ability appetite to analysis out SMART batteries. It has a ability administration chip and it will announce to the user what is the accepted action of the battery.

Know Your Laptop Battery


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